
Do you believe in karma? When you think about it what comes to mind?

I believe in it. I do believe that the bad that you put out can come back around. Maybe not how you did it, but it comes. Sometimes it can be brutal. Some stuff that is done deserves consequences. I feel people don’t care too much though because they still do a lot of bad and feel that they are invisible Also think that karma can be brought upon those you love for your sins or badness. No, I don’t think that karma comes around for those who did bad. Those who do good have good karma coming their way. Helping others and being a genuine person can do some good in your life, you should always be kind to others. I do feel that some things that have happened to me were karma from close loved ones I don’t know it is just a thought or maybe my fate. You know the saying “Karma is a bitch” I believe it. Lol

Karma is the reason I try to do no harm to others. No scamming, spamming, lying, or cheating. I prefer to be upfront and honest and try not to lead people on and do wrong by them. I like to treat those I meet with respect until they show me otherwise. I guess there who people in this world who like to inflict pain on others with no regard. It is irritating but you can’t control what other people do. Karma can happen at any time most likely when we least expect it. Just crazy how this world can be cruel and unfair, but hey that is life and karma is a part of it.

 Karam is a real thing the good and the bad. Well, I think so. Thoughts?

Just thinking out loud. That word Karma….

Agree, or not??

Do you think revenge and karma are the same?

Karma: destiny or fate, following as effect from cause. One’s actions of cause and effect

What is your meaning of the word Karma?

Blessings and Love!

Thank you for reading.

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