Tag Archives: Questions


Deep in my thoughts, doubts start to creep 

A constant questioning that never seems to sleep 

Am I good enough, am I strong and wise? 

Or will I always fall short, to my own surprise? 

The more I try, the more I doubt 

A never-ending battle that always wears me out 

My confidence wavers, my faith starts to shake 

And I wonder if I’ll ever catch a break 

But amid my doubts, a voice whispers true 

“You are enough, and you know what to do.” 

It’s my own voice, rising up from within 

Reminding me of all the battles I’ve already won 

I’ll keep pushing forward doubts, questions, and all 

Knowing that I have the strength to stand tall 

Though the doubts may never fully cease 

I have the power to find my own inner peace 

Blessings and Love 

Thank you for reading. 


Daily writing prompt
What is one question you hate to be asked? Explain.


The one question I hate being asked is Why? Ugh, I hate it so much. Why this? Why that? Why do you do things like that? Why did you make that decision? Why is your hair that way? Why do you dress this way? Why?Why?Why? I do not know why so many ask me that in situations. Like I do not know why, or I do not want to or feel the need to explain why. I don’t know why but it irritates me to the fullest. When I say stuff, and someone asks why I just stare and be annoyed lol. I know crazy and weird but is the truth. Please do not ask why? LOL 

Blessings and Love! 

Thank you for reading. 


I am Torn

Between not knowing the true intentions of a person


Is it all fake? Real?


Between my head and my heart

Question every conversation, moments, movements


Because I stay guarded

Scared to let me out


Though they words sound nice

A difference in their actions

Shit don’t add up


Due to wasted time


See all the blurriness!


I always get left behind


Due to sweet lies


Though I am torn

Life goes on!


Blessings and Love

Thank you for reading.


Truth is being honest

Is not for everyone

Why lie?

Especially to my face

To yourself

Truth is not in your soul


The truth from some

So hard to come by

Is it really

The truth hurts

Don’t think you are

Doing a favor

By hiding anything from me


What I want


What I deserve

For me

Truth sets one free

From all the BS

Damn is it really

That hard

To tell the


Thank you for reading.

Would you rather? #1

Hello everyone

Tonight, I want to have a would you rather post/discussion. I would list some would you rather questions and give my input/answers to them. Feel free to answer one or all if you like. I would love to hear your thoughts and answers. Nothing too hard and they are random questions.

Here we go!!!!

  1. Would you rather be able to travel everywhere for free OR eat everywhere for free?

. I would rather travel everywhere for free. I would love to visit different countries for free and explore all that I can at any time. I think I would travel maybe once or twice a month or a month to each place I visit. It would be cool to learn about diverse cultures and meet new people and more.

2. Would you rather find the love of your life OR find your passion?

. This one here is kind of a toss-up, but of course, I would rather find my passion. Finding something I absolutely love, and it brings me peace is what I would rather have. Something that speaks to me, and I am willing to put and the work and take the steps to find what is for me. My passion, hopes, and dreams. I feel like that is more important (my opinion). Find my passion and reach for the stars.

3. Would you rather live in a world where you dance instead of walk OR sing instead of talk?

. I would rather live in a world where I dance instead of walk. I love to dance so this is an easy one for me. I dance while cooking, cleaning, eating, and sitting, in the show, I just dance. So, I would be okay with dancing instead of walking. I cannot sing for anything, sound like a fucking broken record lol, singing is not for me. I would rather dance my ass off. LOL

4. Would you rather drink milk out of a crusty old man’s belly button every day for a month OR let a crusty old man drink milk out of your belly every day for a year?

. I would rather have a crusty old man drink milk out of my belly button for a year. Yeah, might sound kinky but that is okay lol. I do not think I can drink milk out of his belly. SoHo yea. This one is fun and funny. LOL.

So, everyone what would you rather do? Enjoy!

Have a good one.

Thank you for visiting and reading.