Oh well! 

Damn though it is my fault. Everything is on me and I did this to myself by being in this shell of mine, not letting my true feelings out. I guess I have been in shutdown mode. Grieving today and a broken heart is added. Damn story of my life. I cannot seem to get it together and another person left me, and I do not blame him. It is my fault. It is what it is. Though my heart hurts it’s because of my own doing. DAMN 

 Oh Well, Oh Well, Oh Well, I will be alright……Hopefully 

Hope your day is way better than mine is! 🖤🤎💙💗💚💛🧡🤍💜


Thank you for reading. 

Ray’Elaine, The Author

I did it, It is Official!!

I am so happy right now. I did it, finally published my first book. Me an author it is so amazing. I can’t believe it. Feel like I’m on a high. Thankful for this moment. Can’t stop smiling 🙂😀

Still working on my author page and other things. I’m ready to start promoting and of course write more books. She is so focused! Thanks for all the support! I appreciate it all.

In the mood to celebrate. How is y’all night going? Working on any projects? Are you writing? Any fun plans for the weekend? Have a good night!

Blessings and Love.

Thank you for reading.

Focused on me!

More information on my book. Please feel free to leave feedback. Thank you in advance.

The title of my book is: Anything For The Take
Here is the link to it on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B9J83KMY/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_0127NEE4CV25HAMH5V81


So tonight, I am excited. I have finished the rough draft of my first book. It has been a rough few months, but I made it happen. Started working on it 10 months ago. My passion and was dedicated to the process and continuing on. Wow, I am really done with it, well still must edit. Wanted to share the good news here on my blog. I don’t know if I should be this excited. There are still ways to go. For the rest of the week I will be done with edits and working on book covers. For the rest of the night, I am relaxing and mentally prepared myself for the next steps. Also, will be finishing up my poetry book soon. I am in a zone and the pen flowing. I love it. Again, want to give thanks to those who gave encouraging words and helped me on this writing journey of mine.

Hopefully, editing will be done by this weekend. I have 18 chapters to go through so I know I will be busy with work, and this. I got this I am ready! My grandma and mom would be proud. I also have good and new ideas for my blog, so I am excited about everything. Happy night for me! Okay, do not want to keep rambling…

Exciting Monday night. How is the night going for you? Ready for the week ahead? Hope you all have a good one!!!

Blessings and Love

Thank you for reading.

Being Productive!

Daily writing prompt
When do you feel most productive?

I feel most productive when I am super busy. When I am cleaning and getting my house in order, I feel productive when I complete tasks and goals that I have set.

Of course, I feel most productive when I am writing. It does not matter if I am writing for my blog, writing in my journals, writing poetry, or writing for my books. My writing days are days that I feel I am the most productive and keeping busy with family life and writing.

I love having a very productive day and getting the important things done.

How about you?

Blessings and Love!

Thank you for reading.

Me VS Anxiety!

The weight of the world on my shoulders 

I feel it bearing down on me 

My heart races, my palms sweat 

As I struggle to breathe 

The world around me seems ominous 

A dark cloud hovering overhead 

My thoughts race, my mind heavy 

As I lay awake in bed 

I try to shake these feelings 

To push them out of my head 

But they linger, a constant presence 

As I go about my day 

Anxiety grips me tightly 

A constant shadow by my side 

But I know I must keep moving 

Must push through the tide 

Even though the road ahead is challenging 

And my mind may be heavy still 

I know that I am strong enough 

To overcome this uphill thrill 

So I take a deep breath and step forward 

Ready to face the day 

With strength and courage by my side 

I will find my own way 

It’s Me VS Anxiety! 

Blessings and Love! 

Thank you for reading. 

***Can be used as a writing prompt!!***


I talk, I hype myself in the mirror


To do better than yesterday


I talk, I hype myself in the mirror

A warrior, strong, even with

Facing difficult days


I talk, I hype myself in the mirror

To do what is necessary, tasks for the day

What is best for me


No slacking

No excuses

Success on the way!


I talk, I hype myself in the mirror

Repeat this ten-letter word!

Over and over

Motivation I have

To keep me going

Wanting more

I’m dedicated


I talk, I hype myself in the mirror

Homegirl going to knock down doors

I am here, standing tall, giving, willing

Ready and motivated.


Blessings and Love.

Thank you for reading.

Book #2

Damn, cannot lie. Writing part two of my first published book is hard work.

I mean it is so challenging. But hey I am here for it. Just Write. Get It Done

I am writing for my books and blogging, but I am about to do a little editing. It’s my night. Chill for now. Music, Some Smoke, Cocktails… VIBE!

My mind is on someone tonight, but writing right now is helping. Keep at it and get my goals completed.


Have a good one my blog peeps! Happy Writing!

Blessings and Love! 🖤💙💛💛🤎💙💚🧡💟❤

Thank you for visiting.

Books by Ray’Elaine


In the meadows and fields of green 

A sight of beauty can be seen 

A pink butterfly fluttering by 

Graceful and delicate, soaring high 

Its wings, a masterpiece in pink 

A sight to behold, you’d stop and think 

Of the wonders of nature’s design 

A creation so perfect, so divine 

As it dances through the flowers 

A peaceful feeling it empowers 

A symbol of love and transformation 

A source of inspiration and admiration 

Oh, pink butterfly, you are a delight 

A true embodiment of beauty and light 

May you continue to spread your wings 

And fill the world with the joy you bring!

Blessings and Love! 

Thank you for reading.


Are you a person who can easily walk away from challenging situations? Are you a person who can easily forgive? Easily forget the negative.

I am not that person. I worry too much and think about the past way too much. Something I do not like about myself. I am always on edge, and thinking about my past makes it worse, and then anxiety kicks in. Wish it were easy for me to forget stuff, to forgive, and to trust more. Want to easily walk away with no wounds. Wishful thinking huh? Yeah, it is annoying at times, and wish I could just leave the negative shit in the past. I worry too much it is crazy. Again, wish I can easily walk away from all the bad. Worrying a lot is stressful.

Ugh, too much on my mind right now, and I want to get away. Head spinning and mind racing fast. Have you ever had one of those days? Praying for it as always. Just writing to get my thoughts and feelings and vent out. Sometimes I have to whether it is a negative post or not. I just want to be able to forgive and forget. I am me, and right now, I am worrying and having anxiety, I must admit writing does help as it calms me for a moment. Praying for all of those having those bad days. Breathe and pray about it. Have faith.

Blessings and Love!

Thank you for reading.

No Cares (A Fantasy)!

In a land of roses, where the sun always shines

A world of fantasy where dreams come alive

There lived a young girl with no worries or cares

Lost in her daydreams, she had not a single fear

Her world was filled with magic, with dragons and knights

With fairies and unicorns and stars shining bright 

She walked through the meadows with flowers in her hair 

Danced with the butterflies without a single care 

She traveled through forests, where the trees whispered secrets 

With streams that sang songs, and creatures that greeted 

Her heart was filled with wonder, her mind with delight 

As she wandered through this world, from morning until night 

In this land of roses, she found a place to belong 

For in her daydreams, she was never alone 

She lived in a world where anything was possible 

And in that fantasy world, she was unstoppable 

For in my daydreams, I can be whoever I please 

In that fantasy world, I can live my life with ease 

And no cares to be! 

-No Cares!-

Blessings and Love! 

Thank you for reading. 

A Mother’s Sacrifice!

In the quiet glow of the moon’s soft light,

A mother whispers a prayer into the night.

Her hopes and dreams, once bright and vast,

Now shadows of a future that’s tethered to the past.

With hands that have toiled, eyes that have wept

She cradles her child, who peacefully sleeps

Each line on her face, a story untold

Of love and loss, and a heart made of gold

For her child’s laughter, she’d give the world

Her own desires and dreams tightly furled

In the silence of sacrifice, she stands alone

Her love, a silent anthem, a constant tone

The years may pass, and the seasons will change

But her unwavering devotion remains the same

A mother’s sacrifice, often unseen

It is the most potent love there has ever been

Let’s honor the mothers, both near and far

For their sacrifices made us who we are

Their strength and love are beyond compare

A sacred gift beyond all compare!

-A Mother’s Sacrifice-

Blessings and Love!

Thank you for reading!