Tag Archives: Faith

Me VS Anxiety!

The weight of the world on my shoulders 

I feel it bearing down on me 

My heart races, my palms sweat 

As I struggle to breathe 

The world around me seems ominous 

A dark cloud hovering overhead 

My thoughts race, my mind heavy 

As I lay awake in bed 

I try to shake these feelings 

To push them out of my head 

But they linger, a constant presence 

As I go about my day 

Anxiety grips me tightly 

A constant shadow by my side 

But I know I must keep moving 

Must push through the tide 

Even though the road ahead is challenging 

And my mind may be heavy still 

I know that I am strong enough 

To overcome this uphill thrill 

So I take a deep breath and step forward 

Ready to face the day 

With strength and courage by my side 

I will find my own way 

It’s Me VS Anxiety! 

Blessings and Love! 

Thank you for reading. 

***Can be used as a writing prompt!!***


I talk, I hype myself in the mirror


To do better than yesterday


I talk, I hype myself in the mirror

A warrior, strong, even with

Facing difficult days


I talk, I hype myself in the mirror

To do what is necessary, tasks for the day

What is best for me


No slacking

No excuses

Success on the way!


I talk, I hype myself in the mirror

Repeat this ten-letter word!

Over and over

Motivation I have

To keep me going

Wanting more

I’m dedicated


I talk, I hype myself in the mirror

Homegirl going to knock down doors

I am here, standing tall, giving, willing

Ready and motivated.


Blessings and Love.

Thank you for reading.


Are you a person who can easily walk away from challenging situations? Are you a person who can easily forgive? Easily forget the negative.

I am not that person. I worry too much and think about the past way too much. Something I do not like about myself. I am always on edge, and thinking about my past makes it worse, and then anxiety kicks in. Wish it were easy for me to forget stuff, to forgive, and to trust more. Want to easily walk away with no wounds. Wishful thinking huh? Yeah, it is annoying at times, and wish I could just leave the negative shit in the past. I worry too much it is crazy. Again, wish I can easily walk away from all the bad. Worrying a lot is stressful.

Ugh, too much on my mind right now, and I want to get away. Head spinning and mind racing fast. Have you ever had one of those days? Praying for it as always. Just writing to get my thoughts and feelings and vent out. Sometimes I have to whether it is a negative post or not. I just want to be able to forgive and forget. I am me, and right now, I am worrying and having anxiety, I must admit writing does help as it calms me for a moment. Praying for all of those having those bad days. Breathe and pray about it. Have faith.

Blessings and Love!

Thank you for reading.

A Mother’s Love! 

A mother’s love is like a shining star 

Guiding her children through life’s bumpy road 

She offers warmth, comfort, and a healing scar 

And carries them through any heavy load 

Her passion for her kids is fierce and true 

A flame that never flickers or dies out 

She’ll fight for them, no matter what ensues 

And never let them feel lost or in doubt 

A mother’s strength is like a mighty oak 

Rooted deep within her heart and her soul 

She stands firm, never bending or breaking 

And makes her family feel safe and whole 

Her patience is a virtue, tried and true 

A virtue that she teaches by example 

She’ll wait and guide until her children grow 

And help them through any obstacle or sample 

To all the moms, near and far 

Who give their all for their family’s sake 

Mothers are the guiding light, the brightest star! 

-A Mother’s Love!-

Blessings and Love! 

Thank you for reading. 

Keep Out

What I say to unwanted people

Keep out

I say to all the negativity that’s trying to creep into my soul, mind, body

Keep out

All the unwanted touches, unwanted looks, unwanted love

Keep out

Unwanted stress, unwanted fears

Keep out

I say to self-doubt, self-sabotage, self-hurt

Keep out


Keep out

I say to anything that brings harm, anything that is not for me

I say

I say

Keep out and

Stay Away!

-Keep Out-

Blessings and Love!

Thank you for reading.


Date or No?

Questioning myself lately and asking am I ready to date? Thinking about relationships, love, and having someone by my side. Getting that lonely feeling. Just a little scared, honestly, of putting myself out there and letting my guard down. I also think that it is time to at least try to meet new people. I am a homebody and I need to get out of that. Want to live a little and be happy enjoying my life. My life consists of motherhood, working, and writing all day, every day. Do some different things. Just doing a little thinking, well, of course, and it’s on my mind. Just don’t know when I would work up the courage to actually do it. Lol.

I am still a work in progress and still trying to learn to trust. Blah Blah Blah my life is boring…. Thinking out loud.

Blessings and love!

Thank you for reading.

Lessons II

There are lessons we learn in life. Whether we like it or not. We have the choice of deciding how we deal with it. We can choose to change things, accept what the lesson is and learn from it. Or we can continue to make the same mistakes. Ignoring what the lesson is and keep going down the wrong path. Again, we have choices. We must choose wisely. With everything in life.

Learn from it and move on and do better.

Lessons… What is life without them!

Have a good one!

Thank you for visiting.

Those Lessons!!! It is LIFE!

I Got Me! 

I got me always, that is my guarantee 

Through thick and thin, it’s just me and me 

I am my own anchor, my own guide 

In times of trouble, I won’t hide 

I got me always, in the darkest night 

I’ll be my own source of light 

I’ll pick myself up, no matter the fall 

I’ll stand tall, I’ll give my all 

I got me always, and that’s just fine 

I’ll be my own reason to shine 

I’ll chart my own path, make my own way 

I’ll live my life, day by day 

I got me always! 

Blessings and Love! 

Thank you for reading. 

Built Tough!

In the motherland where the winds whispered tales of old,

There lived a soul, both brave and bold.

Forged in fires of trials untold,

A spirit emerged, built tough, we’re told.

This soul, they say, faced storms with a grin,

Battles within, they’d always win.

Mountains of fear, they’d begin

To climb with a heart that never grew thin.

“Built tough,” they’d chant, their voices proud

Echoing loudly, far beyond the crowd

Not just in body but spirit unbowed

A beacon of strength, standing out, unclouded

Through valleys of shadow, under skies so grey

This soul marched on, come what may

With every fall, they’d find a way

Rising anew to seize the day

Their armor, not of steel but of will

Crafted in resilience, impossible to kill

With every challenge, their spirit grew still

More formidable, with each uphill

Here’s to the soul, built tough, it’s true

A narrative poem, a tribute overdue

May their story inspire and encourage you, too

To build your toughness in all that you do!

-Built Tough-

Blessings and Love!

Thank you for reading!

Tough Times 

Life and Values

Hello all, how’s your week going? I have a writing prompt tonight. I wanted to share my thoughts about my values.

What do you value most in your life?

The things I value most in my life are:

Number 1- I value God. Without him, nothing is possible, and without his guidance, I don’t know who I will be or where I will be. I have faith always.

Number 2- I value my children and my family. I feel like my children saved my life in a way. Also changed my way of thinking and living, they made me grow up. Quick (LOL). They keep me on my toes and focused at all times. And I feel sometimes without them I would have given up on life a long time ago. I love them so much. Grateful and thankful for my children and my family as well.

Number 3- I value my patience, how far I have come, my passions, and accomplishing my goals and dreams.

Number 4- I value my determination, drive, and strength. I am always pushing through no matter what. I value myself for always going after what I want in life.

Number 5- I value life overall, things that I have, I value life even with the struggles that I have faced in life. I am still here fighting,

I value all of those and more. I am grateful for all that I have, especially the little things, and what I don’t have.

So, question my blog peeps.

What do you value most in your life? Care to share? Do you like writing prompts?

Blessings and Love 🖤🤎💛🧡💚💓💗

Thank you for reading.