Category Archives: thoughts

Being Productive!

Daily writing prompt
When do you feel most productive?

I feel most productive when I am super busy. When I am cleaning and getting my house in order, I feel productive when I complete tasks and goals that I have set.

Of course, I feel most productive when I am writing. It does not matter if I am writing for my blog, writing in my journals, writing poetry, or writing for my books. My writing days are days that I feel I am the most productive and keeping busy with family life and writing.

I love having a very productive day and getting the important things done.

How about you?

Blessings and Love!

Thank you for reading.

Book #2

Damn, cannot lie. Writing part two of my first published book is hard work.

I mean it is so challenging. But hey I am here for it. Just Write. Get It Done

I am writing for my books and blogging, but I am about to do a little editing. It’s my night. Chill for now. Music, Some Smoke, Cocktails… VIBE!

My mind is on someone tonight, but writing right now is helping. Keep at it and get my goals completed.


Have a good one my blog peeps! Happy Writing!

Blessings and Love! 🖤💙💛💛🤎💙💚🧡💟❤

Thank you for visiting.

Books by Ray’Elaine


Are you a person who can easily walk away from challenging situations? Are you a person who can easily forgive? Easily forget the negative.

I am not that person. I worry too much and think about the past way too much. Something I do not like about myself. I am always on edge, and thinking about my past makes it worse, and then anxiety kicks in. Wish it were easy for me to forget stuff, to forgive, and to trust more. Want to easily walk away with no wounds. Wishful thinking huh? Yeah, it is annoying at times, and wish I could just leave the negative shit in the past. I worry too much it is crazy. Again, wish I can easily walk away from all the bad. Worrying a lot is stressful.

Ugh, too much on my mind right now, and I want to get away. Head spinning and mind racing fast. Have you ever had one of those days? Praying for it as always. Just writing to get my thoughts and feelings and vent out. Sometimes I have to whether it is a negative post or not. I just want to be able to forgive and forget. I am me, and right now, I am worrying and having anxiety, I must admit writing does help as it calms me for a moment. Praying for all of those having those bad days. Breathe and pray about it. Have faith.

Blessings and Love!

Thank you for reading.

Love or Lust??

Crazy: Love, Lust

Hello everyone,

Y’all know that feeling. The feeling of being in love or you think you are. You’re in the stage of feeling all the emotions like all of them. You don’t like them or their ways; everything irritates you. You question everything, wondering if you made the right decision or if it is LUST. Is it real, or are they using you, or are you using them? What is it? You love them, you hate them sometimes need space from each other. I call it the test phase where both parties like to test each other and push buttons and get reactions.

Smh but that’s what happens when you are really not sure if it’s love or lust or if it’s the person you really want. Sometimes it can be just sex that keep two people together, there is no real love between them. Some might think so but NO. Why do we put ourselves in situations like this? If it is real love, it will not hurt you, make you feel low and sad, or have you second-guessing yourself. I’m just saying this love thang can be Crazy. Seriously 😂

Am I the only one who thinks so? I get there will be ups and downs in relationships, but if they are constant and you feel stuck, it’s too much to deal with, or you feel like you both cannot get on better terms, LEAVE. I feel a person should not settle or put up with BS just to not be or feel alone. What do you guys think? Do you choose love or lust?

Blessings All
Thank you for reading.

**Not an expert. Just my thoughts please feel free to like, comment, and share**


Date or No?

Questioning myself lately and asking am I ready to date? Thinking about relationships, love, and having someone by my side. Getting that lonely feeling. Just a little scared, honestly, of putting myself out there and letting my guard down. I also think that it is time to at least try to meet new people. I am a homebody and I need to get out of that. Want to live a little and be happy enjoying my life. My life consists of motherhood, working, and writing all day, every day. Do some different things. Just doing a little thinking, well, of course, and it’s on my mind. Just don’t know when I would work up the courage to actually do it. Lol.

I am still a work in progress and still trying to learn to trust. Blah Blah Blah my life is boring…. Thinking out loud.

Blessings and love!

Thank you for reading.


In tranquil hues of dawn’s soft light, I wake
To scents of lavender in air’s embrace
With every breath, a vow of care I make
To honor self with love and gentle grace
A symphony of peace in my own space
Where time stands still, and worries fade away
In warmth of bubbles, stress begins to flake
As whispered comforts, my spirits sway
This pampered day, my heart’s own sweet bouquet
A cherished pause, in life’s relentless fray!


Blessings and Love!
Thank you for reading.

Lessons II

There are lessons we learn in life. Whether we like it or not. We have the choice of deciding how we deal with it. We can choose to change things, accept what the lesson is and learn from it. Or we can continue to make the same mistakes. Ignoring what the lesson is and keep going down the wrong path. Again, we have choices. We must choose wisely. With everything in life.

Learn from it and move on and do better.

Lessons… What is life without them!

Have a good one!

Thank you for visiting.

Those Lessons!!! It is LIFE!

Would You Rather? #3

Hello, my blog peeps!

Tonight, I want to have a would you rather post/discussion. I will list some would you rather questions and give my input/answers to them. Feel free to answer one or all if you like. I would love to hear your thoughts and answers. Nothing too hard, simple, and they are random questions.

Here We Go!

  1. Would you rather have Keanu Reeves or Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson as your personal life coach?

This one is a hard one because I love both of them, but I will have to go with Dewayne Johnson and get lost in his eyes while he gives me advice about life. LOL, I probably won’t really be listening. I know that he will have good advice to give.

  • Would you rather go back in time and meet important people or see cool things in the future?

Honestly, I would rather do both. I will choose to see cool things in the future. It would be awesome to see into the future. Also, see how life turns out for me and my family.

  • Would you rather have the ability to instantly learn any profession or instantly master any sport?

I would rather learn any profession instantly. It would be cool to learn and do anything in the world. I would like to learn a new profession every month.

  • Would you rather be the first person to explore a new planet or discover a hidden treasure on Earth?

I would rather discover a hidden treasure on Earth. Full of all types of cool stuff!

  • Would you rather be able to read people’s minds but not control it, or have the power to influence people’s thoughts but not read them?

I would rather read people’s minds but not control them. I would like to know what goes on in some people’s minds. This would be cool.

  • Would you rather be stuck in an elevator with a chatty parrot that only quotes Shakespeare or a mime that can only communicate through interpretive dance?

I would rather want to be stuck with a mime that communicates through interpretive dance. A parrot talking too much in my ear will be so annoying and I will be annoyed that I am already stuck on an elevator. A mime would dance, and I can ignore that. LOL

So, what would you rather do?

Blessings and Love!

Thank you for reading.

Life and Values

Hello all, how’s your week going? I have a writing prompt tonight. I wanted to share my thoughts about my values.

What do you value most in your life?

The things I value most in my life are:

Number 1- I value God. Without him, nothing is possible, and without his guidance, I don’t know who I will be or where I will be. I have faith always.

Number 2- I value my children and my family. I feel like my children saved my life in a way. Also changed my way of thinking and living, they made me grow up. Quick (LOL). They keep me on my toes and focused at all times. And I feel sometimes without them I would have given up on life a long time ago. I love them so much. Grateful and thankful for my children and my family as well.

Number 3- I value my patience, how far I have come, my passions, and accomplishing my goals and dreams.

Number 4- I value my determination, drive, and strength. I am always pushing through no matter what. I value myself for always going after what I want in life.

Number 5- I value life overall, things that I have, I value life even with the struggles that I have faced in life. I am still here fighting,

I value all of those and more. I am grateful for all that I have, especially the little things, and what I don’t have.

So, question my blog peeps.

What do you value most in your life? Care to share? Do you like writing prompts?

Blessings and Love 🖤🤎💛🧡💚💓💗

Thank you for reading.

Would you rather? #2

Hello, my blog peeps!

Tonight, I want to have a would you rather post/discussion. I would list some would you rather questions and give my input/answers to them. Feel free to answer one or all if you like. I would love to hear your thoughts and answers. Nothing too hard, simple, and they are random questions.

Here we go!!!!

  1. Would you rather be invisible or be able to fly?

I think I would want to be invisible. I don’t like to be seen or like being in large crowds. I want to be invisible everywhere I go. I would also use it to pull pranks on people. LOL. Flying is a good one also, but I rather be invisible.

2. Would you rather lose a finger or have a headache every day for the rest of your life?

This one is easy to pick for me. I would rather lose a finger. I get headaches and migraines, and that is a pain in the ass. No, thank you for that.  I would lose that finger and have to deal with it not being there instead of everyday pain. Losing one finger won’t be so bad…Right?

3. Would you rather have an arranged marriage or spend the rest of your life single?

I would rather be single for the rest of my life. If it is an arranged marriage, there are no guarantees that I and that person would get along. I think that an arranged marriage would probably be miserable if there is no like, no love, nothing. If I knew the person or knew exactly how the marriage would go then cool, I am in if not I would pass. Being single is fine. Agree or disagree?

4. Would you rather want to be able to speak any language or be able to communicate with animals?

With this one, I would want to do both. If I had to choose, I would want to be able to communicate with animals—just to have a good conversation with a lion or a dolphin, all types of animals. It might be weird, but I think it would be cool. Interesting both of them would be!

5. Would you rather have a good relationship with bad sex or a bad relationship with good sex?

I would rather have a good relationship with bad sex; I feel that you can always learn or teach your partner. I would not want to be in a bad relationship at all. In a bad relationship, it might be hard to get the person to change. My thoughts. So, this was an easy one for me.

So, what would you rather do?

Have a good one!

Thank you for stopping by.

Would you rather? #1