All posts by Ray'Elaine

About Ray'Elaine

I am a author I love to write/blog and be myself. I have so many great ideas can't wait to share!

Love I Never Had!

Damn, feelings and emotions are all over the place
Feelings and thoughts of can I be in love?
I Love the way he makes me feel
It’s really a
Love I Never Had
An understanding love
He gets me, and speaks to me with respect
His care for me and mine for him
It’s a
Love I Never Had
Feeling appreciated
It’s really a
Love I Never Had
Sometimes makes me wonder
I pause, I’m not too sure
All in my head
Thinking it can’t be real
A love I never had
Believing in me, my dreams
Our future
Encourage me to keep going
Even when I don’t want to, he won’t let me sink
His kind words and gentle voice
Love of gentleness
It’s really a
Love I never had
Feeling safe and secure, wanted
Feel it in my spirit, my heart, in my body
Needing more and more
It’s a
Love I Never Had
He is constantly on my mind
Damn, Day and night
Fighting with me through my pains speaks love to me
He says he cares, he loves me
Me hoping I’m what he needs, what he wants
A soul-to-soul love
A Love I don’t want to fade, want to last forever
Damn, feelings and emotions are all over the place
Still though
It’s a love I Never Had!!!

Blessings and Love!
Thank You For Reading


In the kingdom where strength and courage reign 

A soul empowered rises high and free 

Unleashing dreams that once were locked in chains 

With newfound power, embracing destiny 

No force can dim the light that shines within 

No obstacle can halt this fearless stride 

In every trial, a chance to begin 

With power as a shield, no need to hide 

Empowered hearts beat with a steady might 

Inspiring others to embrace their own 

In unity, we rise to claim our right 

To stand tall, unafraid, seeds of greatness sown 

So let us grasp the power we possess 

And in its glow, find courage, love, and success! 


Blessings and Love! 

Thank you for reading. 

Want What You Cannot Have!

Want it, Can’t Have it…..

Have you been in a situation where you have to walk away from someone love because you knew in your heart that the two you would not have worked out? I am just sitting here thinking of that person and I miss him. Been feeling so lonely lately and thinking and missing him is making me feel worse because that is who I want. Badly. I miss the way he used to look at me, our conversations, our silliness, our vibe, the compliments, and him always being real with me. We had to walk away from each other, and it still hurts. I want him in my life, and I still feel that it would not work out for me due to me knowing this person well the way they think, and their personality. Sometimes it annoys me wondering about what if. What would happen if we did have a relationship? What if we try now? Wondering if I made a mistake when I had to walkway from him. Hate feeling this way and again feel lonely and want him next to me even if not in a relationship with me just to talk to each other would be good. I need to find something to do because he is too much on my mind. SMH, I do not like it. He probably does not still feel the same way. Should I reach out or just leave it alone? Maybe too much time has passed.


Have you ever had a person in your life that could not let go? Did all the wrong things in the relationship and you endured a lot and decided to leave but they just will not let you go. Dealing with that currently. Yeah, today I am dealing with a lot got someone who wants me but I don’t want them I feel I tried so hard for years and got hurt and I am over it. Haven’t been with this person for years and they won’t let up. Yeah, fucking annoying. And then I want someone who probably does not want me or thinking about me at all, the difference is I am not bugging the other person or begging them to want me. Constantly calling or texting them. It is the want what I cannot have syndrome we both got I guess lol. Emotions are everywhere though

Damn, can I catch a break…. LOL a little too much at the moment.

That damn feeling of wanting what you cannot have……

Blessings and Love! 🖤🤎💙💛💚💗🧡🤍❤💜

Thank you for reading.

Lies and more LIES

Lies and more lies, Liar

Hello all

Liars on Blast lol

Want to blog about liars and lying. Why is it that people lie so much? Like why especially when they lie over stuff so small or lie just because. People go around putting on fronts or I like to call it their mask. They lie about who they are and their identity. Or lie about any and everything. Yes, I know that it happens a lot, and I just think and wonder why they do it. It is something that I truly do not understand at all. Maybe because I am an honest person no matter the situation, I will always be honest with people. Why? Because I do not like to be lied to that shit hurts. So, I wouldn’t lie to others just because I can and get away with it smh. I have heard that some people do it to avoid hurting someone but lies make everything worse. Well, that is what I think. It is such a big deal in any type of relationship you or in, whether it is family or friends. A lie is a freaking lie and can be wrong like seriously. I think some people do not realize it maybe because they are all about themselves and don’t care. How hard is it to be upfront and honest about who you are and what you are about? Again, something I don’t understand and probably never will. Thought about writing about lying because I am currently dealing with it, so many people around me who do it a lot, and it is super annoying. Something I explain to my kids about honesty and integrity. Your presents and words can concern others. It is okay to be honest and be yourself. Do you agree? Have you dealt with a person who constantly lies? How did you deal with it? Again, people why lie? Annoyed seriously

Thinking, venting, of course, too much shady shit going on, and I do not like it. Time for changes, change the untrustworthy people around me. Please feel free to like, comment, and share.

Love, Peace, Happiness, and Blessings all

Thank you for reading.

Dope Chemistry!

Chemistry, an elusive force that draws us in

Binding us with an unbreakable bond

Love, a feeling so intense it can’t be contained

Filling our hearts with a flame that never wanes

But with great love comes great pain

A bitter pill we must swallow in turn

Our hearts may break, our souls may ache

But still we persevere, through the fire we burn

And yet, through it all, we remain cool

Our connection unshaken, our passion unchained

For in each other, we find solace and strength

Our great chemistry forever sustained

-Dope Chemistry-

Blessings and Love!

Thank you for reading.

💚 Butterfly 

In the meadows green and lush, 

Fluttering wings of emerald hush, 

Comes a creature, light as air, 

The green butterfly is rare 

Its beauty is beyond compare 

A scarce sight 

Its wings, a work of art 

A masterpiece of nature’s heart 

The green butterfly, a symbol of new life 

Of transformation, free of strife 

A reminder that we, too, can change 

And in the end, beauty can remain 

If you see a green butterfly 

Take a moment to pause and sigh 

For it is a gift from the divine 

A moment of magic, so sublime! 

Blessings and Love! 

Thank you for reading. 

I Adore!






I adore you so

Damn that

Arousing feeling I get from

Being near you

I adore you so

And all of your

Desirable ways and what it brings

I adore you so

The way you got me

Open and wanting only you

I adore you so

With all of me

My revere for you, your heart

I adore you so

Exciting love, exciting memories in many ways

My heart to yours

I pour my love

I adore you so

-I Adore-

Blessings an Love

Thank you for reading.

Author Here!

Ink flows from my pen, a river of words

A world of stories, waiting to be heard

With each page, a new tale is told

A universe of characters, brave and bold

I weave my words into a tapestry of life

Creating magic, banishing strife

As an author, I hold the power to inspire

To move hearts, to ignite a fire

Writing is my passion, my joy, my art

A journey of the mind, a reflection of the heart

So, I’ll keep writing, with each word I write

Sharing my stories, day and night.

I am here. Author in sight!

-Author Here-

Blessings and Love!

Thank you for reading.

Being Productive!

Daily writing prompt
When do you feel most productive?

I feel most productive when I am super busy. When I am cleaning and getting my house in order, I feel productive when I complete tasks and goals that I have set.

Of course, I feel most productive when I am writing. It does not matter if I am writing for my blog, writing in my journals, writing poetry, or writing for my books. My writing days are days that I feel I am the most productive and keeping busy with family life and writing.

I love having a very productive day and getting the important things done.

How about you?

Blessings and Love!

Thank you for reading.